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Third Grade

Third Grade
Third grade is a critical year for academic development, as it sets the stage for future learning and prepares students for the challenges of upper elementary grades. It aims to nurture students' curiosity, critical thinking skills, and love for learning while building a strong foundation for their continued educational journey.
Teaching skills such as phonics, comprehension, and vocabulary.
Reteaching content, including reading, and writing instruction
Focus read instruction on cause and effect, classifying, and categorizing, compare and contrast, fact and opinion, making inferences, sequence, and finally main idea and details.
Ask questions about what they are reading. The questions that go through their minds during reading will help them examine, and better understand, the text.
Allow students their own investigations or suggest a direction for students’ research or exploration.
Summarize and make predictions to check how well they understand what they are reading.
Social Studies
Students explore the geography of the United States using maps, graphs, and photographs.
Students will understand how the climate of a community impacts the people who live and work there.
We will see how the geography of a community impacts the people who live and work there.
Students learn the impact history has had on society as well as the environment today.
Students explore social studies through hands-on activities and projects tied to their learning.
Multiplication and division
Learn different meanings of multiplication – as equal groups and arrays.
Learn different meanings of division – as equal sharing and partitioning.
Develop proficiency with multiplication facts within 100.
Understanding the relationship with division facts to the known multiplication facts.
Understand that a fraction is a kind of number that represents equal parts of a whole.
Know the different parts of a fraction
Represent fractions using fraction models or on a number line.
Generate fractions that are equivalent to a given fraction.
Compare fractions with the same denominator or the same numerator.
Geometric Measurement: Area and perimeter
Understand that perimeter is a linear measurement, found by adding the side lengths of a 2-dimensional figure.
Understand that area is a square measurement found by multiplying two dimensions of a 2-dimensional figure: length and width.
Solve problems involving area and perimeter.
Reasoning about Geometric Shapes
Categorize two-dimensional figures by attributes, such as number of sides.
Understand that shared attributes help to define categories of two-dimensional figures.
Draw shapes with specific defining attributes, such as number of sides and vertices.
Students explore through Twig Science hands-on investigations and experiments to engage students; curiosity and desire to learn.
Through team projects, students learn team roles, teamwork skills, discussion skills, and the importance of safety in science class.
Explore the phenomena of forces and observe how playground objects use forces and motion.
Explore the plant and animal life cycles
Explore the pattern of traits, plants, and animals to their offspring.
Explore the phenomenon of social interaction among animals and how some animals form groups to survive.
Explore how Ice Age species were affected by warmer temperatures.
Predict how invasive plants and animals affect other organisms in an environment and develop and evaluate solutions to a problem.
Explore the phenomenon of weather patterns and how to measure different aspects of weather.
Understand the risks of severe weather and how to stay safe.
Students explore the geography of the United States using maps, graphs, and photographs.
Students will understand how the climate of a community impacts the people who live and work there.
We will see how the geography of a community impacts the people who live and work there.
Students learn the impact history has had on society as well as the environment today.
Students explore social studies through hands-on activities and projects tied to their learning.
Students use elements and principles of art, observation and prior knowledge, art
vocabulary, ideas from culture and history, learn about artists and their famous
artwork, to convey meaning and awareness in their own works of art.
Students explore robotics using Dash robots. Coding, movement, obstacles,
constructing, teamwork.
Physical Education:
Movement, safety rules and procedures, protecting body, warm-up and cool-down techniques, hydration importance, offensive and defensive tactics, muscle strength during specific movements, stretching, service size, physical goals and accomplishments, technology, mental/emotional, physical, and social health.
Provide access to a broad range of literature and informational reading
materials. Strategies and skills are reinforced to meet the needs of learners at
each developmental stage. Skills and concepts taught in the classroom are
reinforced during this time. Students select accelerated reader books to read at
home and read during library time.
Students gain access to computer skills. Practice using a keyboard, mouse, and
learn to navigate computer resources. Students in 4th grade are also introduced
to creating a yearbook, learn design and photography skills.
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